Thursday, 19 February 2015

In Mr Lunn's  Literacy group we have been learning about critical literacy. and we had to make a Popplet I did my Popplet on running. I found out that Running can really build your body strength and it can make you healthy fit and really fast. and the fast's man in the world is Usain bolt. he uses the speed in his body to win he works out to get stronger that can really help you get fast. I got the information from Usain ,  Wikipedia and  Usain bolt. biography. the reason we have to use 3 websites because you need to back up your information because some information could be fake about that person or someone is not accurate.


Anonymous said...

Its really good, but you don't have enough websites otherwise its good.

Anonymous said...

Hi lara
I really like how you have added the three websites that you got this info from and why you did it.I think next time you should reread your work before you post it(because you wrote fast's instead of fastest).

Anonymous said...

It was good but I think you shouldn't put and on the first sentence.

Anonymous said...

It was good but I think you shouldn't put and on the first sentence.

Anonymous said...

I lie your work next time you could use capital letters

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