Introduction: What is success?
Success Criteria:
- Title, Introduction, Explanation Sequence, Conclusion
- Action Verbs
- Present tense: is, now.
- Time connectives: first, secondly, finally, then, when
- Vocabulary: technical language
Introduction: What is success?
Different kinds of success
People who have had success - my uncle: what, how, why? what helped him be successful.
Brother - NSW cup
How can you be successful?
what is success
success is when you do something in your life get a good job and earn money for your family
that is success there is many ways to have success in life
different kinds of success
success is made in many ways you could have success being an accountant and earn money for your wife and kids so you can have a good life or you could have an ok job like a builder and ok money and still have a good life but not being as rich and it is not all about being rich as long as you are happy you are successful you can be as you want to be t\hen there is a bad job the bad job is a rubbish truck job you earn about 12$ a week and that is not fun and won't have enough money
people who have had success
My Uncle
many people have done some amazing things in there life things that they thought they never could do but they did. My uncle has recently just done an iron man in taupo and never stopped because he said he wouldn't stop . any way he also has done three half iron men and also has done one marathon and five half marathons he is one of most successful guy i know. my uncle
is a great fisher man two he won the biggest marlin award he caught it under the harbour bridge he has been really
People who have had success
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